Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

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Collaborative Care

Our patients are valued partners. Our team of dedicated physicians, nurses work together to provide comprehensive healthcare solutions and support for your well-being.


Innovative Testing

Experience innovative testing at Health Destination Labs with the latest technology and smart reports for accurate and comprehensive results.


Patient-Centered Approach

At HDLabs, we view our patients as an integral part of our HD family. By actively listening and understanding your unique story, we strive to provide personalized care and a supportive healthcare experience.

Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

Microbiology and Infectious Diseases is a branch of medical science that deals with the study of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, and their effects on human health. At Health Destination Labs, we offer a range of microbiology and infectious disease tests to diagnose and monitor various infections.

Some of the tests we offer include:
•    Blood culture: A test that detects the presence of bacteria or fungi in the blood.
•    Urine culture: A test that detects the presence of bacteria in the urine.
•    Fecal culture: A test that detects the presence of bacteria in the stool.
•    Respiratory culture: A test that detects the presence of bacteria or fungi in respiratory secretions.
•    Serology: A test that detects the presence of antibodies in the blood to help diagnose infectious diseases.
•    Rapid antigen testing: A test that detects specific viral or bacterial antigens in body fluids or secretions.

Doctors can refer their patients to Health Destination Labs for these tests to diagnose and monitor various infectious diseases. Patients can also visit our website to book these tests directly, ensuring a quick and convenient experience. Our experienced team of microbiologists and infectious disease specialists uses innovative technology and equipment to provide accurate and reliable results to help healthcare providers make informed decisions about their patients' health.